DGA Quarterly Winter 2020 Location Managers NYC

Taking a Bite Out of the Big Apple

NYC location managers do more than scouting and securing permits: They also iron out the logistics while keeping city leaders and residents happy.

The Industry / Technology

Articles on creative issues and new technology in features, television and new media.

  • DGA Theater Rental
DGA Quarterly Winter 2020 Location Managers NYC
Winter 2020

NYC location managers do more than scouting and securing permits: They also iron out the logistics while keeping city leaders and residents happy.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Fall 2019 DGA Residuals
Fall 2019

What drove over $400 million in revenue for Guild members in the last year alone, including over $70 million to the DGA's Basic Pension Plan? Residuals.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Summer 2019
Summer 2019

The global market for SVOD programming is outpacing North America, and having a profound impact on the future of the film and television business.

DGA Quarterly Spring 2019 5G Reality
Spring 2019

At CES 2019, 5G—the fifth generation of cellular technology—was heralded as the solution for glitchy entertainment connections, and, for entertainment companies, a way to extend their reach and lure new audiences. We separate the wheat from the chaff.

DGA Quarterly Winter 2019 Motion Smoothing
Winter 2019

Faced with TV technology that casts their films in a distorted light, DGA members attempt to influence a more faithful representation of their work.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Fall 2018 DGA Mentorship Program Paris Barclay
Fall 2018
DGA First-Time Episodic Director Orientation Program

For students and teachers in the DGA's First-Time Episodic Director Orientation Program, no detail is too small.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Spring 2018 What is Cinema?
Spring 2018

As streaming services proliferate and court A-list filmmakers, the DGA Quarterly asked feature directors and industry leaders how directors intend for their films to be exhibited and what defines a theatrical film experience in 2018?

DGA Quarterly Magazine Spring 2018 Net Neutrality
Spring 2018

Eight years later, we find ourselves asking: "Why shouldn't net neutrality apply to the entire Internet?"

DGA Quarterly Magazine Winter 2018 Streaming Content
Winter 2018

Following in the footsteps of Netflix, Amazon and Hulu, networks like CBS, AMC and FX are getting into the custom streaming game, with exclusive content a primary selling point.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Winter 2018 Your Future
Winter 2018

With Big Tech becoming increasingly invasive on our economy and private lives, we look at how antitrust battles of the past are relevant to the present, and the consequences of a monopolistic world on entertainment.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Winter 2018 Primer on the Spectrum
Winter 2018

Given that in the new millennium, consumers access TV programming in myriad ways, we present a thorough rundown of how DGA members' content is delivered to viewers.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Winter 2018 Locations Atlanta
Winter 2018
Atlanta's Siren Song

With its wealth of experienced crews, physical looks and soundstage infrastructure, Georgia's capital is gaining stature as the production hub of the South.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Filmmaking 4K
Fall 2017

Razor-sharp resolution and higher frame rates challenge directors to think out of the box.

DGAQ Magazine Summer 2017 Locations Chicago
Summer 2017
Chicago's Burgeoning Production Scene

A 30% tax incentive, top-notch soundstages and crews, and eye-catching locations make the windy city an attractive alternative.

DGA Quarterly Spring 2017 Casting
Spring 2017

TV directors speak out on their role in the process even as remote online methods threaten to push them "out of the room."

DGAQ Ang Lee
Fall/Winter 2016-17
Ang Lee

Tech talk with Director Ang Lee.

Spring 2016

As the technology emerges and becomes more affordable, directors are venturing into virtual reality as a new way of storytelling—with the viewer in the middle

DGA Quarterly The Industry Christopher Nolan
Summer 2015

The director rallied Hollywood to preserve the option to shoot on film. And it’s not just about the art—it makes good business sense.

DGAQ Spring 2015 The Industry
Spring 2015

With Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime, and many others following suit, subscription video-on-demand is the new wave for content. But is it supplanting television as we know it, or a boon to production? It’s still too early to tell.

Fall 2012
48 Frames Per Second

With The Hobbit trilogy Peter Jackson will introduce audiences to a 3-D film shot at 48 FPS. Depending on the response, it could open a whole new dimension for directors.

DGA Quarterly Summer 2012 New Media
Summer 2012
New Media

Jon Avnet and Rodrigo Garcia's new Internet Channel WIGS is creating Web content for the female audience.

DGA Quarterly Summer 2011 The Industry
Summer 2011
The Industry

When pay cable TV was in its infancy, the Directors Guild stood up to HBO, and after an eight-year battle, secured the creative and economic benefits members enjoy today.

Fall 2010
Apps for Filmmakers

New apps for the iPhone and iPad designed for filmmakers.

Summer 2010
Safety on the Set

The problem of long hours and worker safety is perhaps as old as the industry. Despite greater awareness, education, and various cautionary measures, it remains a complex, hard to solve issue.

Summer 2010
Creating 3D Television

Manufacturers are marketing 3D TV sets in hopes that content will follow. In the meantime, directors are learning the ropes with sports and live concerts.

Spring 2010
From PC to TV

More and more new devices are speeding the movement of content from your computer to your TV set. Has the wave of the future finally arrived?

Spring 2010
Marketing Movies

After working on a film for years, the last hurdle for directors is selling it to an audience. But sometimes that’s a process they have to fight to be a part of.

DGAQ Technology - Hot Digital Cameras
Winter 2010
Digital Cameras

Panavision's Genesis and the independently made RED ONE are two of the hottest digital cameras around. We asked directors about the pros and cons of each.

Fall 2009
Previsualization Technology

Previsualization is becoming an increasingly valuable tool for directors on large-scale films. But could it also benefit indie directors?

DGA Quarterly Winter 2008 Industry Webisodes
Winter 2009

Directors are having fun creating content for the web-but are they making any money? Five Guild members relate their experiences.

DGA Quarterly Fall 2008 The Industry
Fall 2008
Indie Cutbacks

Cutbacks and a shrinking market have left the indie world in a quandary. So what's a director to do?

DGA Quarterly Magazine Summer 2008 The Industry
Summer 2008
Luxury Movie Theaters

New luxury theaters are featuring high-end amenities. But does this enhance or detract from the moviegoing experience?

DGA Quarterly Winter 2007-08 Industry
Winter 2007/2008
Computer to Television

Eventually we will be able to connect our computer to our TV, but not just yet.

DGA Quarterly Fall 2007 Industry
Fall 2007
Film and TV on the Internet

Content is booming on the Internet almost daily. In our ongoing look at developments in new technology, we sort out some of the ways film and TV are reaching a new audience.

DGA Quarterly Fall 2007 Indie Think Tank
Fall 2007
Independent Directors and New Media

The Think Tank of the Independent Directors Committee is asking big questions about how indie directors can reach an audience in the Web 2.0 era.

DGA Quarterly Summer 2007
Summer 2007
New Technology

Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask. In the first of an ongoing series we break down changes in entertainment and the way film and TV will be delivered.

DGA Quarterly Summer 2007
Summer 2007
3-D Movies

3-D is roaring back-and it's not the clunky, campy version from the '50s. With new technology, 3-D is becoming a serious tool for filmmakers.

DGA Quarterly Spring 2007 Industry
Spring 2007
The Cannes Film Festival

The Cannes Film Festival, celebrating its 60th anniversary, has long been friendly turf for American directors.

DGA Quarterly Spring 2007 Save the Day
Spring 2007
Film Preservation in the Digital Age

Film preservation used to be for old films. Not anymore. In the digital age, directors need to take responsibility for saving their own work.

DGA Quarterly Winter 2006 Industry
Winter 2006
Working in a New Medium

As technological changes go, nothing can top the advent of television. Here's what it was like for its early directors.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Fall 2006 The Industry
Fall 2006
HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray

HD-DVD and Blu-ray may be battling it out for years for a share of the high-definition DVD market.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Summer 2006 The Industry
Summer 2006
Digital Exhibition

After years of wrangling, digital exhibition is about to arrive. Is it the biggest thing since talkies?

DGA Quarterly Spring 2006 Documentaries
Spring 2006
Documentaries and DV

These are not your father's documentaries. Digital technology has revolutionized the form and content of non-fiction films. But does that make them better?

DGA Magazine July 2004
DGA Responds to the Controversy

The DGA addresses the controversy surrounding smoking in the movies.

DGA Magazine February 2004

In addition to providing artistic recognition for exemplary work, possessory credits in filmmaking are branding and marketing tools that are individually negotiated by the director with the company producing the film.

DGA Magazine February 2004

A big-budget adventure film, such as Around the World in 80 Days, can have hundreds of visual effects shots. Using this as an example, we explore managing the production of VFX work.

DGA Magazine January 2004

Distribution of one's film comes up time and again as a concern for the independent filmmaker. Here is one expert's perspective on approaches to consider when thinking through different options.

DGA Magazine January 2004

In New York, the DGA is actively seeking to erase the enormous myth of the Big Apple being rotten for filmmakers. That's just not so, say veteran feature and television directors who regularly shoot here.

DGA Magazine January 2003

At a DGA seminar, the fastest growing editing system, Apple's Final Cut Pro, was explained, for those interested in learning about making the change from Avid to a cheaper, and, in some cases, more flexible system.