• DGA Quarterly Winter 2010-11 Piracy
  • DGA Qaurterly Fall 2011 Internet Piracy
  • DGA Quarterly Summer 2011 Internet Theft
  • DGA Quarterly Spring 2011 Internet Theft
Internet Theft
As part of the Guild’s effort to keep members informed about the complex issues of Internet theft, the Quarterly has run an ongoing series of stories on the subject.
  • DGA Theater Rental
DGA Qaurterly Fall 2011 Internet Piracy
Fall 2011
Internet Theft

Based on his recent book, Free Ride, author Robert Levine explains why it may soon become easier for consumers to buy content on the Internet than steal it.

DGA Quarterly Summer 2011 Internet Theft
Summer 2011
Internet Theft

We asked a writer to search the Web and report on how shockingly easy it is to find illegal films. They could even be yours.

DGA Quarterly Spring 2011 Internet Theft
Spring 2011
Internet Theft

Internet theft has clearly had a serious economic impact on mid-budget and large studio movies, but it’s independent films that may be damaged the most.

DGA Quarterly Winter 2010-11 Piracy
Winter 2011
Cloud Computing

Cloud computing presents an encouraging new business model for the entertainment industry, but it will require vigilance to protect intellectual property and compensation.

Fall 2010
Internet Theft

In July, U.S. Immigration and Customs agents seized seven major websites. Here’s the blow-by-blow account of how it went down.

DGA Inititatives Internet Theft
Spring 2010
Piracy by the Numbers

Figures don't lie. Here's why Internet Theft constitutes a critical problem for the industry.

Spring 2010
Deep Packet Inspection

With Internet theft and online crime on the rise, deep packet inspection is one effective tool to protect rights and intellectual property. Without it, the Internet as we know it could crash.

Winter 2010
Net Neutrality

Andrew Keen cuts through the rhetoric and explains the concept of net neutrality and why its a critical issue to the entertainment industry and to the protection of DGA members’ work.

Fall 2009
The Piracy Problem

The author of The Cult of the Amateur refutes the notion that all creative work on the Internet should be free, and urges the film industry to aggressively combat digital theft.

Fall 2009
The Piracy Problem

Digital theft poses the most serious threat to the livelihood of Guild members. This primer explains why.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Fall 2005 Piracy
Fall 2005
The Perils of Piracy

A movie can be for sale on the streets of Beijing the same day it opens in New York. Taylor Hackford learned all about the perils of piracy with his film Ray. Here's how it happened.