DGA Theater Three is a 38-seat video Theater equipped with the following:
Digital Projection
- A Christie DHD 670 Video Projector
- Multi-standard video decks (Digibeta, Beta SP, Blu-Ray and DVD)
- JBL three-way speaker system
- QSC Basis System
- QSC Digital Power Amplifier System
The DGA facility contains three subterranean levels of secure/protected parking, staffed with professional parking personnel to address all of your special event parking requirements. In addition to a DGA owned and operated 140 car overflow parking area in the Sunset-Lofts development, directly across Hayworth Avenue.
The DGA's Theater Managers, Projection staff, Security, Parking and Engineering personnel are all committed to providing our patrons with the on-site support required to provide a first class presentation.
For more information regarding the Los Angeles Theater Complex please contact
Kyle Soeltz at
(310) 289-2021
