Know Your Contract: 2024-2025 Rate Card for Associate Directors and Stage Managers

Know Your Contract

September 20, 2024

As part of the DGA’s ongoing efforts to educate members on recent contract gains, in this installment we will explore the updated rate card for Associate Directors and Stage Managers under the Freelance Live and Tape Television Agreement (“FLTTA”) for the 2024-2025 period.

This article outlines the minimum rates, overtime policies, additional compensations, and travel accommodations that AD/SM members should be aware of when negotiating their contracts.

Minimum Rates:

For the 2024-2025 period, the minimum rates for Associate Directors and Stage Managers are as follows.ADSM

Additional Compensation may include

  1. Production Fees:
    •  All Prime-Time Entertainment and High Budget SVOD Tier 1: $100.25 per day
    •  All Non-Prime-Time Entertainment and High Budget SVOD Tier 2: $33.25 per day.
    •  These fees are paid on camera blocking and tape days to all Associate Directors and Stage Managers.
  2. Distant Location fee (when applicable) is paid at $60 for each day including travel days and “idle days.” A “Distant Location” is one where the employer requires you to remain away from your home and be lodged overnight.
  3. Vacation Pay is paid at 4% of gross earnings for Associate Directors and Stage Managers, when terms apply.

Pension and Health Benefits:

The DGA ensures comprehensive benefits for its members through pension and health contributions. Employers contribute 8.5% of gross earnings to the Pension Plan and 11.5% to the Health Plan (including 0.5% for paid parental leave) for all DGA members, while health contributions for vacation pay are specifically set at 14.5% of the 4% vacation pay for Associate Directors and Stage Managers. Employees also contribute 2.5% to their pension benefit.

Travel Accommodations:

The 2024-2025 rate card outlines specific travel accommodations for DGA members on assignment. You are entitled to Business Class travel except when flights are less than 1,000 miles and non-stop from departure point to final destination or flights between Los Angeles and Vancouver which may be in Coach Class. Employer must provide elevated coach class travel when available. If business class is not available then flights shall be first class. When members use their own transportation, they are reimbursed at a rate of $0.30 per mile. These provisions ensure that DGA members travel comfortably and are fairly compensated for their transportation expenses while on assignment.

Additional Information:

The updated 2024-2025 rate card also includes important provisions for Associate Directors and Stage Managers. The First hired (or Lead) Associate Directors and Stage Managers working on Variety and Dramatic FLTTA programs are entitled to prep days, allowing them to adequately prepare for their assignments. Additionally, the agreement implements a no-cancellation policy, providing job security for Associate Directors and Stage Managers once they are booked on a project.

It’s crucial for DGA members to familiarize themselves with these rules to effectively advocate for their rights on set. For a comprehensive understanding of the terms and conditions, members should consult the Rate Cards available in the Contracts section of If you need further assistance or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Field Representative or contact the Guild directly at or (310) 289-2010. Knowledge of your contract empowers you to ensure fair treatment and compensation in your work.