Know Your Contract: Understanding Your Rights as an Episodic Director — Electronic Transmissions from the Set

Directors Guild of America

July 24, 2024

As part of the DGA’s ongoing efforts to educate members on recent contract gains, in this installment we highlight an episodic Director’s creative rights when it comes to electronic transmissions.

As an episodic Director in single-camera television, it’s crucial to understand your rights regarding electronic transmissions from the set (e.g. using QTAKE). There are several changes that have occurred because of the 2023 contract negotiations, ensuring Directors maintain creative control and set integrity.

Below is the full list of Electronic Transmission Creative Rights, highlighting the 2023 changes first.

2023 Contract Changes

Beyond the immediate production area, the feed can only be transmitted in the following circumstances:

  • When the recipient is a single Producer in a location where the feed is not viewable by others;
  • When requested for VFX purposes;
  • When an “Act of God” (i.e. snowstorm, injury/illness, etc) prevents travel to the location, or;
  • When an immigration restriction prevents travel to the location.

The Director must be consulted in advance of any such transmission. This consultation must include agreement on the process for providing notes and the specific days/scenes which will be transmitted.

The Director must be notified of the name and title of the person receiving the transmission.

Ideally, any notes should be reserved until the Director has made initial adjustments with the performers. The notes should be succinct and immediate.

In no event should the feed expand the number of people who would typically have access to the set. In all cases there should be no electronic transmission of sound or images without first informing the Director. Continuous, unrestricted electronic transmissions (i.e. a fixed “open mike” or “witness camera”) are prohibited to any location outside the immediate production area.

Understanding and asserting these rights helps maintain the integrity of your creative process and ensures a collaborative, respectful production environment. As with all contract changes, these rights are only as effective as they are enforced: The Guild and your fellow members need you to do your part by standing firm with the contract’s requirements and to asserting your rights when necessary. If there are any questions or concerns or you wish to learn more, please contact the DGA Contracts Department at 310-289-2010 or

Want to help other DGA members learn more about their rights and contracts? Join the Outreach Team. To find out more about the Outreach Team, please email