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  • Jon Avnet and Karen Gaviola
  • DGA Quarterly Spring 2011 Creative Rights
  • The 24-Hour News Cycle: A Panel Featuring Members Who Work at MSNBC
  • DGA Membership Meeting in Atlanta
  • Directors Guild Foundation
  • SafetyFirst_2
At its most recent meeting, the DGA National Board voted to name Director Jon Avnet as Chair and Director Karen Gaviola as Vice Chair of the BA/FLTTA Negotiations Committee.
April 2025 marks 62 years since the Guild published the first "Bill of Creative Rights" for Directors. In this article from the Spring 2011 issue of DGA Quarterly, revisit the story of how this came about after Director Elliot Silverstein challenged how his episode of The Twilight Zone, "The Obsolete Man," was edited.
Directors TJ Asprea, Marc Greenstein, Geoff Hoffmann, Kara Kennedy, Jason Martinez and Philip Williamson shared their insights into how it all comes together during a discussion moderated by DGA Sixth Vice-President Lily Olszewski.
The DGA membership meeting in Atlanta, GA provided an opportunity for members to network with their peers, meet staff and hear what the Guild is doing to protect and extend their creative and economic rights.
New effort, established in partnership with the Motion Picture Television Fund, will provide immediate financial assistance to DGA members affected by recent wildfires.
As part of the Guild’s ongoing efforts to elevate the importance of safety in your workplaces, the 2023-2026 Basic Agreement (BA) and Freelance Live and Tape Television Agreement (FLTTA) include requirements for DGA employees to complete additional training courses.
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Employer Information
   Reality Agreements New Media Agreements
DGA Outreach Team

Want to be part of building a stronger DGA – Join the Outreach Team Today!

MyConnext Reporting Tool

The MyConnext Reporting Tool is a secure and private online platform that allows members to safely explore available support, understand your rights, and report workplace misconduct.

Creative Rights

Information about your creative rights as a Director member of the Guild.

Sustainability Pro-Tips

Practical recommendations across all stages of production to enable Directors and their teams to adopt environmentally sustainable best practices seamlessly into their workflows.

Explore the DGA Video Portal
Theater Rental

Information about the DGA's state-of-the-art theater complexes in Los Angeles and New York.