Foreign Levies

This section provides information about the DGA's Foreign Levies program. Foreign levies are fees collected by foreign countries in part to compensate rights holders for the affects of copying, rental and retransmission of their films and television programs.

Frequently Asked Questions
History of Foreign Levies

Deceased DGA Member Directors

Deceased DGA Member Directors The DGA has published a list of deceased DGA member directors to whom at least $50 of foreign levies have been assigned, but not yet paid. If a user clicks on a name, the titles assigned to that director will appear, and the user will be provided with information about contacting DGA regarding how to receive payment. 

Non-Member Directors

Non-Member DirectorsThe DGA has published a list of non-DGA member directors to whom at least $25 of foreign levies have been assigned, but not yet paid. If a user clicks on a name, the titles assigned to that director will appear, and the user will be provided with information about contacting DGA regarding how to receive payment. 

Non-Member Directors Registry

Non-Member Directors Registry The DGA's website includes a function that permits non-member directors to register information regarding non-covered works. This information shall be used for informational purposes only, but may help determine to whom payments are due.

Foreign Levies Department 310-289-5328
Foreign Levies Program Continues To Reap Benefits for Members

Since its inception, $286 million has been distributed to Directors as part of the biannual distribution of the monies collected by the DGA from 21 countries around the world.