AC NMO Oct 2012

A New Membership Orientation for All Categories

October 28, 2014

On October 28, nearly sixty new and established DGA members of all categories attended an informal cocktail reception in the Los Angeles headquarters atrium where they received vital information about the inner workings of the Guild.

DGA Associate National Executive Director/Western Executive Director Bryan Unger welcomed the attendees and gave a basic primer on the history and structure of the Guild and explained the responsibilities of the various DGA councils and committees, and the duties of the executive staff. Unger also introduced the audience to the attending Council and Committee chairs and executive staff members before turning the podium over to DGA director-member Bethany Rooney (Criminal Minds) who spoke about the protections that the DGA gives its members and fielded questions from the attendees.

The orientation’s attendees also received information on DGA benefits, activities and issues directly affecting their categories from key council and committee members and DGA staffers who were there to answer other questions about the Guild.

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