Michael A. Schultz


Features: Woman, Thou Art Loosed; Cooley High; Car Wash; Greased Lightning; Which Way Is Up?; Sgt. Pepper's; Scavenger Hunt; Carbon Copy; Last Dragon; Disorderlies; Krush Groove, Livin' Large. MOWs: To Be Young, Gifted and Black; For Us the Living; The Jerk, Too!; The Spirit; Timestalkers; Tarzan in Manhattan; Jury Duty; Hollywood Follies; Travels; Young Indiana Jones. Series: Chuck; Black Lightning; Step Up; Arrow; All American; Cold Case; Found; Homecoming: Everwood; Bros & Sisters; Jack and Bobby; LA Law; Picket Fences; The Practice; JAG; Ally McBeal. Pilots: Shock Treatment; Promised Land.

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Visual History
DGA Visual History Michael Schultz
Visual History Interview
Michael Schultz recalls his career through four decades of directing, beginning in the theater, successes with Cooley High and Car Wash, and his prolific work in episodic television.