Field Representatives

The DGA Field Representatives (Field Reps) operation is a resource designed to serve DGA members with questions regarding all aspects of their membership. Field Reps are assigned to each U.S. state, Eastern & Western Canada and to international productions in addition to the primary Los Angeles and New York production centers. As the liaison to specific shows and geographic regions, Field Reps develop expertise – of the contracts and on-the-ground particulars – as well as build strong relationships with members living and working in that region. This way members can know who to talk to and Field Reps can address issues or concerns before they become larger problems.

There are currently DGA Field Representatives working out of Los Angeles and New York who have responsibility for covering the United States, Canada, and the UK/Ireland. Below are the Reps and their contact information as of January 2024.

Western Region Reps
  • Jon DrewSenior Field Representative - (310) 279-7693 or
  • Jennifer Peat — Special Assignments Executive - (310) 289-5305 or
  • Emily Pierceall — Field Representative - 213-321-9791 or
  • Alexis Soto — Field Representative - (323) 382-1058 or
Eastern Region Reps
  • Bart Daudelin — Senior Field Representative - (212) 258-0809 or
  • Abbie Brewer — Field Representative - (740) 707-6284 or
  • Meghan Brophy — Field Representative - (323) 327-3272 or
  • Michael Mintz — Business Representative - (646) 256-6264 or
  • Brett Wise — Field Representative - (570) 447-4823 or

For members living or working in other countries, please contact the DGA Contracts line at (310) 289-2010 or for assistance.

National Field Rep Map 013025

Click here to download a PDF of the DGA Field Reps Map pictured above.


DGA Headquarters - Los Angeles 310-289-2000
or toll free at 800-421-4173
DGA Offices - New York 212-258-0800
or toll free at 800-356-3754
Communications (310) 289-5333
Contracts (310) 289-2010
Credits (310) 289-2013
Government Affairs (310) 289-5358
Legal (310) 289-2014
Membership (310) 289-2000
Operations (310) 289-2021
Reports Compliance (310) 289-2064
Residuals (310) 289-2076
Signatories (310) 289-5348
Special Projects (310) 289-2088