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About the DGA Disability Committee

The mission of the Disability Committee is to examine a broad range of issues DGA members with disabilities face on sets, with the goal of developing recommendations for the National Board to address these matters.
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In 2023, DGA President Lesli Linka Glatter, announced the creation of this provisional committee. In 2024, the Committee was designated as a permanent committee by the DGA National Board.

The Committee focuses on examining a broad range of issues DGA members with disabilities face on sets, with the goal of developing recommendations for the National Board to address these matters. Members of the body lead work to destigmatize disability as a way to empower members to feel comfortable with disclosing their disability identity and push the industry towards greater acceptance of Directors and Directorial Team members with disabilities.

Members who self-identify as a person with a disability with the Guild will receive information about the Disability Committee. To publicly or privately self-identify, please log in to the DGA website and navigate to the Account Settings page, then click “Edit” under Personal Attributes.

For more information about the DGA Disability Committee, please contact DGA Committee Coordinator, Taylor Roberson, at (310) 289-5368 or via email at

A DGA Disability Committee Event

Director Amber Sealey and Disability Advocate Lawrence Carter-Long discussed casting Sealey's feature Out of My Mind during a conversation moderated by Director Kay Cannon.

A Disability Committee Event

The Committee’s first event highlighting the contributions of members with a disability in the directorial craft, featured a discussion with Matlin moderated by Director Siân Heder and a keynote address by Geena Davis.

A DGA Disability Committee Event

Director Brandon Sonnier — who unexpectedly joined the disability community after experiencing a life-changing, on-set accident — discussed his journey as an amputee in the industry during a conversation moderated by Director/1st AD Nandi Bowe.

A DGA Disability Committee Event

Copus, an accomplished television Producing Director with an early childhood diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, discussed navigating the industry with a disability during a conversation by Committee Co-Chair Director Rachel Raimist,

A DGA Disability Committee Event

Director Ashley Eakin moderated a conversation with UPM Debra F. Spidell, 1st AD Nandi Bowe and Production Accessibility Coordinator Kiah Amara on how disabled crew members are hired for above and below-the-line positions.

A DGA Special Panel Discussion

This panel discussion focusing on the issues members with disabilities face working as Directors and Assistant Directors featured Directors Ashley Eakin, Nandi Bowe and Peter Farrelly moderated by Director Jenni Gold.

The Committee will be focused on examining a broad range of issues DGA members with disabilities face on sets, with the goal of developing recommendations for the National Board to address these matters

Taylor Roberson
Committee Coordinator
(310) 289-5368
Committee Chairs