International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) is a unique identifier for audiovisual works and related versions, similar to ISBN for books. Developed within ISO (standard 15706.1&2) ISAN is a voluntary numbering system to identify any kind of audiovisual works throughout their entire life cycle from conception, to production, to distribution and consumption. ISAN is recommended or required as the audiovisual identifier of choice for producers, studios, broadcasters, Internet media providers and video games publishers who need to encode, track, and distribute video in a variety of formats. It provides a unique, internationally recognized and permanent reference number for each audiovisual work and related versions registered in the ISAN system.

ISAN is managed and run by ISAN-IA (ISAN International Agency), a non –profit organization, based in Geneva, founded in 2003 by AGICOA, CISAC and FIAPF. As a service organization, its mission is to implement the ISAN system throughout the world by providing and maintaining the system, appointing and supporting the network of Registration Agencies and by promoting their activities to the audiovisual industry. The ISAN board of directors includes a representative from the DGA.

  • For more information about ISAN please visit their website at
Affiliated Organizations
  • AGICOA (the Association of International Collective Management of Audiovisual Works [Association de Gestion Internationale Collective des Oeuvres Audiovisuelles]) manages audiovisual producers' copyrights. It collects and distributes the payments of royalties to the producers of audiovisual works and/or their rightsholders.
  • CISAC (the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers) works towards increased recognition and protection of creators' rights. As of June 2006, CISAC numbers 219 authors' societies from 115 countries and indirectly represents more than 2.5 million creators within all the artistic repertoires: music, drama, literature, audio-visual works, graphic and visual arts.
  • FIAPF (the International Federation of Film Producers Associations [Fédération Internationale des Associations de Producteurs de Films]) represents the economic, legal and regulatory interests which film and TV production industries in four continents have in common. FIAPF's members are 26 producers' organizations from 23 countries on four continents.