DGA Statement on the Passing of Sidney Sheinberg

Sid Sheinberg

March 8, 2019

Los Angeles – The Directors Guild of America made the following statement upon learning of the passing of Sidney Sheinberg:

“Sidney Sheinberg’s contributions to the industry and his passion for films and filmmakers were immeasurable. A key player on the management side in past negotiations with the DGA, he was committed to the success of the motion picture industry and placed a high value on his relationship with directors. Recognizing the importance of codifying creative conditions that were critical for filmmakers, Sidney was an inaugural member and management co-chair of the DGA’s Creative Rights Committee established in 1964 under the leadership of Frank Capra. He called it ‘a forum for the directors and producers who are involved in the process to discuss the issues in an environment that was not confrontational, but collegial.’ Among the first, and most important rights established was the right to a ‘director’s cut.’ For these reasons, and so many more, we were proud to make him an Honorary Life Member of the DGA in 1990. He will be greatly missed.”

DGA Communications Department (310) 289-5333