Working with Background Actors in Georgia

Working with Background Actors in Georgia

October 26, 2024 A ATLCC and ADTP Event in Atlanta

On October 26, the Atlanta Coordinating Committee (ATLCC) and the DGA Assistant Director Training Program (ADTP) presented the seminar, Working with Background Actors in Georgia.

Held at Central Casting’s offices in Atlanta, DGA members  and trainees from the area were able to learn about hiring and working with background actors during an event that featured a presentation from DGA Senior Field Rep Bart Daudelin, Central Casting's Executive Vice President Jennifer Bender, Vice President Adam Hochfeld and Director Toni Avalos, and ADTP Administrators Lila Mayes from Los Angeles and Sandra Forman from New York.

The seminar focused on background actor employment in Georgia and covered topics including: best practices for booking and hold days; and minors work rules.

These DGA Assistant Director Training Plan Currency Training Seminars for Unit Production Managers and Assistant Directors are designed to keep DGA members abreast of current management practices and contract updates. Don’t miss these opportunities to enhance your knowledge! Check the DGA Monthly or for the next event near you.


photos by Andrew Alonso

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