2nd AD Prep Workshop

Does the Van Have Gas? An Episodic TV Prep Workshop for 2nd ADs

September 30, 2023 Hosted by the Eastern AD/UPM Council 2nd AD Committee

On September 30, Second Assistant Directors from the Eastern region came together both in-person and online for the two-part seminar, Does the Van Have Gas? Hosted by the Eastern AD/UPM Council’s Second AD Committee, the event served as a prep workshop for members of this category working in the world of episodic television.

In the first half of the workshop, UPM Meredith Mills (Mr. Robot, Harlem, The Affair), 1st AD Stephen Shepard (Blue Bloods, Harlem, Love Life) and discussed the expectations and specific responsibilities of a 2nd AD during the prep process. In a conversation moderated by Second AD Committee member Vince Brown (Blue Bloods, Sneaky Pete, White Collar) they shared examples of what makes a 2nd AD successful during the prep process, including effective communication styles and adaptability to being on different projects.

The second half of the workshop moved into practical applications where Second AD Committee Co-Chair Anastasia Folorunso (Power Book II: Ghost, The Enemy Within, Manifest) and Committee Secretary Alana Bonilla (Law & Order: SVU, Prodigal Son, Ray Donovan) went over a prep schedule and broke down the meetings, documents and challenges involved, all with the goal of setting a 2nd AD up to have a successful prep.

Both sessions were accompanied by a digital packet of the elements involved and all of the attendees were encouraged to bring a laptop or tablet to follow along and get the most out of the workshop.

About the Committee

The Eastern AD/UPM Council Second Assistant Directors Committee addresses issues that concern the members of this category and encourages dialogue amongst members in an effort to bring awareness, devise solutions to problems and continue education and growth. The Committee is co-chaired by Anastasia Folorunso and Steven Lafferty with Secretary Alana Bonilla. The members are Arusha Baker, Vince Brown, Zach Citarella, Kailyn Dabkowski, Carey Field, Pam Giangreco, Eddie Griffith, Jake Grubb, Dan Gutierrez, Rachel Jaros, Felix Jordan, Joy Kim, Cary Lee, Dan Majkut, Jack McKenna, Jason Messeri, Dan Ogorzalek, Ben Parker, Nicole Payson, Kristina Peterson, Michael Reichman, Jeff Sedwick, Dawn Terashima and Chris Vendetti.

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