
Post Pandemic, Now What? On Mental Health and Welfare and keeping normalcy on and off set during COVID

September 19, 2022 An Eastern Diversity Steering Committee Discussion

On September 19, the Eastern Diversity Steering Committee meeting featured the online panel discussion, Post Pandemic, Now What? On Mental Health and Welfare and keeping normalcy on and off set during COVID. In a conversation moderated by DGA 2nd AD Amaranda Sakamoto (Colin in Black and White), Entertainment Assistance Program Eastern Region Supervisor Alicia White and Looking Ahead Program National Director Chris Smith gave an overview of what mental health is, revealed how mental health struggles can manifest physically and shared the resources the Entertainment Community Fund provides and how DGA members can utilize them. The panelists also gave advice on how to interact with a colleague who may be having a mental health issue and described coping skills members can use when experiencing stress. Following the moderated portion of the conversation, the panel took questions from the online audience.

About the Committee:

The Eastern Diversity Steering Committee represents the concerns of Guild members of African, Asian, Native American, Arab-Middle Eastern or Latino descent residing in the East. Committed to improving the employment opportunities, working conditions and the skills of ethnically diverse Guild members, the Committee sponsors workshops, seminars, round-table discussions and networking events to showcase the talents of its members, recognize their contributions and increase their visibility in the industry. The Committee’s current Co-Chairs are UPM Canella Williams-Larrabee, Second AD Sussan Cordero and Stage Manager April Smith.

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