DGA Quarterly Magazine Summer 2020 Melvin Van Peebles
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Melvin Van Peebles

Fifty years ago, Melvin Van Peebles shook up the establishment with his subversive comedy Watermelon Man, turning the tables on a racist society with an ingenious scenario of role reversal.

Out of the Past

By training, directors learn to expect the unexpected. Here are some quirky shots of directors who found themselves in unusual situations.

  • DGA Theater Rental
DGA Quarterly Magazine Summer 2020 Melvin Van Peebles This file is a PDF
Summer 2020
Melvin Van Peebles

Fifty years ago, Melvin Van Peebles shook up the establishment with his subversive comedy Watermelon Man, turning the tables on a racist society with an ingenious scenario of role reversal.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Spring 2020 In Memoriam Gene Reynolds This file is a PDF
Spring 2020
Gene Reynolds

Gene Reynolds, who passed away Feb. 3, served as DGA president from 1993 to 1997 and was instrumental in bringing more youthful, diverse members into the Guild’s ranks.

Don Mischer This file is a PDF
Winter 2020
Don Mischer

A live-event maestro bar none, Don Mischer was equally adept at directing fine arts.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Fall 2019 Lina Wertmuller This file is a PDF
Fall 2019
Lina Wertmüller

We pay homage to the director of Seven Beauties, which earned her the first nomination by a woman for the DGA’s Feature Film award.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Summer 2019 In Memoriam John Singleton This file is a PDF
Summer 2019
John Singleton

The impact of John Singleton, who passed April 28, continues to reverberate throughout the industry.

DGA Quarterly Spring 2019 Tribute John Schlesinger Midnight Cowboy Jon Voight This file is a PDF
Spring 2019
John Schlesinger

In the spring of 1969, John Schlesinger's Midnight Cowboy was released to widespread acclaim, becoming the first and only X-rated film to win the Academy's best picture award, and earning the British filmmaker a DGA Award and an Oscar for directing.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Winter 2019 Bernardo Bertolucci This file is a PDF
Winter 2019
Bernardo Bertolucci

Bernardo Bertolucci, who passed away in November, came to prominence in the '70s with such films as The Conformist and Last Tango in Paris, and won the DGA Award for his towering 1987 epic The Last Emperor.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Fall 2018 Ida Lupino This file is a PDF
Fall 2018
Ida Lupino

Ida Lupino directs Robert Clarke on the set of Hard, Fast and Beautiful (1951).

DGA Quarterly Summer 2018 Milos Forman This file is a PDF
Summer 2018
Miloš Forman

The recently departed Miloš Forman, who won a clutch of DGA and Academy Awards, might be the poster child for overcoming adversity.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Spring 2018 Mel Brooks the Producers This file is a PDF
Spring 2018
Mel Brooks' The Producers

Fifty years ago, Mel Brooks’ directorial debut, The Producers, opened in New York and launched the career of one of cinema’s most outrageously funny auteurs.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Winter 2018 Tribute Frank Capra This file is a PDF
Winter 2018
Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life

A peek behind the scenes of Frank Capra's timeless holiday classic, It's a Wonderful Life.

DGA Quarterly Magazine John Avildsen directing Rocky This file is a PDF
Fall 2017
John Avildsen

John Avildsen, who passed away June 16th, won the DGA Award for directing Rocky.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Summer 2017 In Memoriam Ed Sherin This file is a PDF
Summer 2017
Ed Sherin

Remembering Ed Sherin, DGA National Vice President and Honorary Life Member

DGA Quarterly Spring 2017 Sidney Poitier Uptown Saturday Night This file is a PDF
Spring 2017
Sidney Poitier

On the occasion of Sidney Poitier's 90th birthday, his directorial achievements take center stage.

DGAQ Arthur Hiller This file is a PDF
Fall/Winter 2016-17

In Memoriam: Arthur Hiller, DGA past president seen here on the set of The Hospital with George C. Scott

Planet of the Apes This file is a PDF
Spring 2016
Planet of the Apes

Tim Burton offers a sly performance tip to Helena Bonham Carter on Planet of the Apes (2001).

DGA Quarterly Magazine Out of the Past This file is a PDF
Winter 2016
The Thin Man Goes Home

Director Richard Thorpe discusses the subtleties of a scene with Asta on the set of The Thin Man Goes Home (1945).

DGA Quarterly Out of the Past Nightmare of Elm Street Wes Craven Amanda Wyss This file is a PDF
Fall 2015
A Nightmare on Elm Street

Wes Craven, with Amanda Wyss, upended the room for a scene from A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).

DGAQ Out of the Past Wise Sound of Music This file is a PDF
Summer 2015
The Sound of Music

Robert Wise confers with Bil Baird’s marionettes on the set of The Sound of Music (1965).

DGAQ Out of the Past Peter Gunn This file is a PDF
Spring 2015
Peter Gunn

Blake Edwards shows a stuntman how to take a fall in Peter Gunn (1958-1961).

DGA Quarterly David Lean This file is a PDF
Winter 2015
The Passionate Friends

David Lean (center) shot exteriors in the French Alps for The Passionate Friends (1949), his first film set outside of England.

DGAQ Out of the Past Where the Wild Things Are This file is a PDF
Fall 2014
Where the Wild Things Are

Spike Jonze offers some acting tips to one of the beasts in Where the Wild Things Are (2009), an adaptation of Maurice Sendak’s classic children’s book.

George Roy Hill The World of Henry Orient This file is a PDF
Summer 2014
The World of Henry Orient

Director George Roy Hill kicks up his heels while making The World of Henry Orient (1964) in New York.

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Spring 2014
The Royal Tenenbaums

Wes Anderson gets around in style in The Royal Tenenbaums.

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Winter 2014
Meet Me in St. Louis

Vincente Minnelli directs Margaret O’Brien and Joan Carroll in the Halloween scene from Meet Me in St. Louis (1944).

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Fall 2013
The Birds

Alfred Hitchcock directs some of his fine feathered friends on the Bodega Bay set of The Birds (1963).

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Summer 2013
Moscow on the Hudson

Paul Mazursky shows Robin Williams how to blow in Moscow on the Hudson (1984).

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Spring 2013
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

Robert Aldrich shows Bette Davis how to step into a scene on the set of What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962).

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Winter 2013

Akira Kurosawa directing Yojimbo (1961), about a town divided by two warring gangs in 19th century Japan.

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Fall 2012
State of the Union

Frank Capra goes over the ballot with Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy in State of the Union (1948).

Out of the Past Gene Kelly Hello Dolly This file is a PDF
Summer 2012
Hello, Dolly!

Director Gene Kelly gives Barbra Streisand a few pointers on the set of Hello, Dolly! (1969)

Woody Allen Love and Death This file is a PDF
Spring 2012
Love and Death

Woody Allen plans his strategy with Napoleon (James Tolkan) in Love and Death, the director’s 1975 spoof of Russian novels.

DGA Qaurterly Fall 2011 Out of the Past This file is a PDF
Fall 2011
Modern Family

Director Jason Winer gives up a few inches to Kobe Bryant on the set of Modern Family.

john huston This file is a PDF
Winter 2012
The Night of the Iguana

John Huston runs lines with a feathered friend during the filming of The Night of the Iguana (1964) in Mexico.

DGA Quarterly Summer 2011 Out of the Past Spielberg This file is a PDF
Summer 2011

Steven Spielberg looks over the script for Jaws (1975) while shooting on the beach in Martha’s Vineyard.

DGA Quarterly 2011 Out of the Past Twighlight Zone This file is a PDF
Spring 2011
The Twilight Zone

Doug Hayes finds the actors on The Twilight Zone a tad stiff.

DGA Quarterly Winter 2010-11 Out of Past This file is a PDF
Winter 2011
Exquisite Summer

Josef von Sternberg delivers an important message on the set of Exquisite Summer.

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Fall 2010
The Seven Year Itch

Billy Wilder directs Marilyn Monroe in the famed street scene from The Seven Year Itch (1955).

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Summer 2010
Beetle Juice

Geena Davis battles Alec Baldwin in Tim Burton's Beetle Juice.

DGAQ Out of the Past Blake Edwards This file is a PDF
Spring 2010
The Pink Panther

Blake Edwards makes himself at home with his stars Capucine and Peter Sellers on The Pink Panther (1963.).

DGAQ Out of the Past - Luis Buñuel - The Milky Way This file is a PDF
Winter 2010
The Milky Way

Spanish director Luis Buñuel's inadvertent comment on the trials of being a film director.

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Fall 2009
Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Don Siegel puts his cast in a most unusual position in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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Summer 2009
Animal House

John Landis works with a unique creature on one of the most successful comedies ever made.

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Spring 2009

Carol Reed Conducts a performance from young Mark Lester in Oliver!

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Winter 2009
The Greatest Story Ever Told

Former DGA President George Stevens looks over some unusual head shots for The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965).

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Fall 2008
The Bride of Frankenstein

James Whale runs some lines with a very unusual star in The Bride of Frankenstein.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Summer 2008 Out of the Past This file is a PDF
Summer 2008

Richard Lester dresses for the occasion on Help! as he directs the Beatles in the Bahamas.

DGA Quarterly Spring 2008 Out of the Past This file is a PDF
Spring 2008
All the President's Men

Director Alan Pakula watches Robert Redford as Bob Woodward filing a Watergate story in All the President's Men.

DGA Quarterly Winter 2007-08 Out of the Past This file is a PDF
Winter 2007/2008
A Man For All Seasons

Fred Zinnemann puts Paul Scofield in a precarious position in the DGA Award winner A Man For All Seasons.

DGA Quarterly Fall 2007 Books Out of the Past This file is a PDF
Fall 2007
Harold and Maude

Hal Ashby serves up Bud Cort on a silver platter in Harold and Maude - literally.

DGA Quarterly Summer 2007 This file is a PDF
Summer 2007
Rosemary's Baby

Roman Polanski scares the dickens out of Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby.

DGA Quarterly Spring 2007 Out of the Past This file is a PDF
Spring 2007
Taxi Driver

De Niro and Scorsese rehearse one of the great lines in movies.

DGA Quarterly Winter 2006 Out of the Past Frank Capra & John Ford This file is a PDF
Winter 2006
John Ford & Frank Capra

Frank Capra flips for John Ford.

DGA Quarterly Fall 2006 Out of the Past The Producers This file is a PDF
Fall 2006
The Producers

Mel Brooks instructs Bloom and Bialystock in The Producers.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Summer 2006 Out of the Past This file is a PDF
Summer 2006
Sullivan's Travels

Preston Sturges takes a dip.

DGA Quarterly Spring 2006 Out of the Past This file is a PDF
Spring 2006
The Godfather

Francis Ford Coppola makes Woltz an offer he can't refuse on the set of The Godfather.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Fall 2005 Out of the Past This file is a PDF
Fall 2005
The Misfits

John Huston shows Eli Wallach how to roundup horses-modern style-on the set of The Misfits.

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DGA Magazine July 2004
One-Eyed Jacks

Marlon Brando lining up a shot on the set of the 1961 Western One-Eyed Jacks.

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DGA Magazine February 2004
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf was the beginning of a long and successful collaboration between Mike Nichols and editor Sam O'Steen. They would team up on 11 other pictures.

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DGA Magazine May 2004
That Certain Summer

Lamont Johnson talking with the stars of That Certain Summer; Martin Sheen and Hal Holbrook.

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DGA Magazine January 2004
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Tobe Hooper's 1974 horror film, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, was made on a shoestring budget and cast with University of Texas students, but eventually grossed more than $26.5 million.

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DGA Magazine November 2003
Ten Tall Men

This scene from Willis Goldbeck's 1951 film Ten Tall Men, though set in the Sahara, was shot at Bronson Canyon and Caves in Los Angeles.

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DGA Magazine September 2003

With the cast and crew on the set of the Hal Ashby's 1975 hit Shampoo.

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DGA Magazine July 2003
Make Room for Daddy

On the set of Make Room for Daddy in 1959.

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DGA Magazine May 2003
The Air Circus

On the set of The Air Circus in 1928, filmed at Clover Field in Santa Monica.

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DGA Magazine March 2003
Ocean's Eleven

On the set of the classic Ocean's Eleven directed by Lewis Milestone and starring Frank Sinatra.

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DGA Magazine January 2003
Trader Horn

Director W.S. "Woody" Van Dyke, II utilizes some trees as a make-shift camera crane while shooting on location in Africa.