DGA Quarterly Spring 2019 Five Questions David Linde

5 Questions

David Linde

The CEO of Participant Media asserts that conscientious content, artistic vision and commercial viability are not mutually exclusive.

10 Questions

Question and answer sessions with prominent figures outside the Guild about current creative and business issues.

  • DGA Theater Rental
DGA Quarterly Spring 2019 Five Questions David Linde
Spring 2019
David Linde

The CEO of Participant Media asserts that conscientious content, artistic vision and commercial viability are not mutually exclusive.

DGA Quarterly Winter 2019 Sam Esmail Julia Roberts Homecoming
Winter 2019
Sam Esmail

Sam Esmail, who's used to wearing three hats on Mr. Robot, was able to concentrate on directing on the series Homecoming.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Fall 2018  Morgan Neville Won't You Be My Neighbor
Fall 2018
Morgan Neville

For indie documentarian Morgan Neville, the style should fit the subject.

DGAQ Magazine Summer 2017 11 Questions Paris Barclay
Summer 2017

Director Paris Barclay talks about the industry, his leadership role and how the Guild has progressed during his presidency.

Susanne Daniels
Spring 2016
Susanne Daniels

YouTube Global Head of Original Content Susanne Daniels is developing new programming for subscribers. Will the famously free service now challenge other SVOD platforms?

DGA Quarterly Magazine Ten Questions Jay D. Roth
Winter 2016
Jay D. Roth

In his 20 years as national executive director, Jay D. Roth has helped navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing industry. As the DGA celebrates its 80th anniversary, he ruminates on the past and future of the Guild.

DGAQ Fall 2015 Ten Questions Ed Sarandos
Fall 2015
Ted Sarandos

After changing the way people watch television, Netflix is moving into features in a big way. Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos talks about the future of the company—and the industry.

DGA Quarterly BET Debra L. Lee
Summer 2015

Debra L. Lee, chairman and CEO of BET Networks, says with audiences for television becoming more diverse, so should directors—and the talent is already out there.

DGAQ Ten Questions Michael Lombardo
Spring 2015
Michael Lombardo

HBO president of programming Michael Lombardo reflects on the industry’s changing business model and how directors have contributed to the new wave of quality television.

DGA Quarterly Ten Questions
Winter 2015
Nancy Utley and Stephen Gilula

Fox Searchlight Co-Presidents Nancy Utley and Stephen Gilula talk about the challenges of the marketplace and making movies with a vision.

DGA Quarterly 10 Questions Jon Feltheimer
Fall 2014
Jon Feltheimer

Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer is not pining for the way the business used to be. Instead, he’s energized by the prospects of new content, new markets, and new media.

DQA Quarterly Ten Questions Uniersal Pictures Donna Langley
Summer 2014
Donna Langley

As chairman of Universal Pictures, Donna Langley talks about the state of the industry and how Hollywood can do more to help women.

Roy Price
Spring 2014
Roy Price

By monitoring what his vast viewership wants to see, Amazon Studios head Roy Price is creating original series for the Internet Age.

Winter 2014
Megan Clarken

Megan Clarken, Nielsen executive vice president of global product leadership, talks about the company’s plan to count mobile devices starting with the fall 2014 TV season.

Fall 2013
Rick Cotton

As former NBCUniversal executive vice president and general counsel, now head of its worldwide anti-piracy unit, Rick Cotton has been an industry leader in battling Internet theft. He reports on the latest from the front.

Summer 2013
Nancy Tellem

Longtime network executive Nancy Tellem, now president of entertainment and digital media for Microsoft, talks about the expanding Xbox entertainment platform and what that might mean for directors.

Spring 2013
Jennifer Salke

President of NBC Entertainment Jennifer Salke reflects on the precarious state of network television, the challenge of creating hit shows, and building greater diversity for directors.

Winter 2013
Bruce Rosenblum

Bruce Rosenblum, president of Warner Bros. Television Group, considers the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

Fall 2012
Howard Berman

California Congressman Howard Berman talks about issues facing the entertainment industry.

Fall 2012
Bob Goodlatte

Virginia Congressman Bob Goodlatte talks about issues facing the entertainment industry.

DGA Quarterly Summer 2012 10 Questions Tom Bernad Michael Barker
Summer 2012
Tom Bernard & Michael Barker

Co-presidents Tom Bernard & Michael Barker have steered Sony Pictures Classics through the choppy waters of indie film for 21 years with a combination of business savvy and a respect for directorial vision.

10 Questions Mitch Singer
Spring 2012
Mitch Singer

As chief digital strategy officer for Sony Pictures and leader of an industry-wide digital consortium, Mitch Singer talks about how the UltraViolet cloud could revolutionize home entertainment.

Winter 2012
Matt Loeb

IATSE president Matt Loeb looks at the challenges facing the industry and the people employed in it.

DGA Quarterly Summer 2011 Ten Questions Robert Daly
Summer 2011
Robert A. Daly

As head of CBS in the ’70s and CEO of Warner Bros. for almost 20 years, Robert A. Daly oversaw an industry in transition. He looks back at the business as he knew it.

DGA Quarterly 2011 10 Questions Fred Silverman
Spring 2011
Fred Silverman

Former head of ABC and longtime TV executive Fred Silverman reflects on the medium’s coming of age.

DGA Quarterly Winter 2010-11 Steven Ross
Winter 2011
Steven J. Ross

Steven J. Ross, chairman of the history department at USC, looks at the labor conditions that contributed to the founding of the Guild.

Fall 2010
Biz Stone

Twitter co-founder and creative director Biz Stone considers the impact of tweeting on the entertainment industry.

Summer 2010
John Fithian

John Fithian, president of the National Association of Theatre Owners, talks about the future of moviegoing as we know it.

Spring 2010
Anne Sweeney

Anne Sweeney, co-chair of Disney Media Networks and president of Disney-ABC Television Group, says we live in challenging times. That's why she's excited to come to work every day.

Fall 2009
James Schamus

James Schamus, chief executive officer of Focus Features and producer and/or writer of all of Ang Lee's films, looks at the specialty film business and sees a world in flux.

Summer 2009
Lauren Corrao

Lauren Corrao, president of original programming and development for Comedy Central, talks about directing comedy and what you can get away with on cable TV.

Spring 2009
David Shaheen

David Shaheen, head of JP Morgan Chase's Entertainment Group, reflects on what impact the economic crisis might have had on the industry and the $8 billion the bank has loaned it.

Winter 2009
Les Moonves

Leslie Moonves, president and chief executive officer of CBS, talks about the challenges of the Internet and why network television is indispensable.

DGA Quarterly Fall 2008 Ten Questions Grazer
Fall 2008
Brian Grazer

Producer Brian Grazer talks about how he hires a director, the importance of vision, and why visiting the set is meaningless.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Summer 2008 10 Questions Chad Hurly
Summer 2008
Chad Hurley

YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley considers how the Internet site is trying to convert all those hits into a plan to make money.

DGA Quarterly Spring 2008 Ten Questions
Spring 2008
Ken Ziffren

Top entertainment attorney Ken Ziffren talks about his role in the DGA negotiations and where the industry may be headed.

DGA Quarterly Winter 2007-08 Ten Questions
Winter 2007/2008
Karen Stuart

Karen Stuart, executive director of the Association of Talent Agencies, reflects on the changing nature of an agent's job.

DGA Quarterly Fall 2007 Ten Questions Denson
Fall 2007
Terry Denson

Terry Denson, vice president of content strategy and acquisitions for Verizon's FiOS TV, heralds the arrival of telcos and fiber optics in the home.

DGA Quarterly Summer 2007
Summer 2007
Barry Meyer

From tentpoles to cellphones, Warner Bros. Chairman and CEO Barry Meyer surveys the business.

DGA Quarterly Spring 2007 10 Questions Ted Sardanos
Spring 2007
Ted Sarandos

Netflix's Ted Sarandos talks about how the online rental company has changed the video business...and what's next.

DGA Quarterly Winter 2006 10 Questions Jack Valenti
Winter 2006
Jack Valenti

Former MPAA President Jack Valenti defends the ratings system.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Fall 2006 Bloomberg
Fall 2006
Michael Bloomberg

New York mayor Michael Bloomberg extols the virtues of shooting in the Big Apple.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Summer 2006 Ten Questions
Summer 2006
Dana Walden

Fox Television president Dana Walden talks about an industry trying to keep up with technology.

DGA Quarterly Spring 2006 10 Questions Gilmore
Spring 2006
Geoff Gilmore

As director of the Sundance Film Festival for sixteen years, Geoff Gilmore has helped change the face of independent film. He surveys the current scene with Quarterly editor James Greenberg.

DGA Quarterly Magazine Fall 2005 10 Questions Jerry Bruckheimer
Fall 2005
Jerry Bruckheimer

One of the busiest producers in town talks about finding new talent, the rise of TV and why he won't direct.