Spring 2018

CBS Sports associate director Cory Fishman often finds himself in the unique position of cueing in major football games for the network. "It's kind of a cool thing for me, who played sports," he says. "Until I say, 'Let 'em play,' there's 75,000 people in the stadium waiting for them to kick off."
Fishman's responsibilities usually begin the week before a game, when he and his crew will research the teams, brainstorm possible graphics packages and vignettes, write up cards for talent, and compile and edit everything together beforehand. On game day, he's on headset in the production truck with the director/producer.
"My main role is dealing with the commercials… weaving them in and out of breaks," says Fishman, before explaining that he also helps to coordinate a seamless broadcast between crewmembers both around the stadium and at CBS Sports' New York headquarters. "I'm like a traffic controller," he says. "I am talking with 50 different people at any time."
As hectic as Fishman's schedule is during the NFL season, it's even more daunting during March Madness. "We do four basketball games in one day, six in three days, nine in basically a week and a half," he says. "It's an exhilarating time."