
The DGA Communications Department promotes positive media images of the Guild and its members; issues informational press releases on DGA activities, significant events and noteworthy accomplishments; coordinates internal and external communications, and generally acts as the DGA's public voice in explaining and promoting the Guild's interests, positions or points of view. In addition, the department oversees the following services which are of particular interest to members (see links below): 

  • To reach members of the DGA Communications Department call (310) 289-5333.

DGA Monthly Cover October 2021DGA Monthly

DGA Monthly is a magazine that lists current Guild news, plus a calendar of all DGA screenings, seminars, committee meetings, and special events, as well as special notices to DGA Members where warranted. Mailed to all members, the Monthly contains the most up to date listing of the upcoming month's Guild activities, and a record of special events from previous months. In addition to the printed magazine, after publication and mailing, the Monthly's news articles are also posted to the public area news and events sections of The screenings, meeting and special events info are also posted online in the events section but accessible to DGA Members Only. (Note: If you are a DGA Member and do not see any upcoming events listed in the Events section, please make sure you are logged in.)